
Changing of the guard

Filed under: Editorial — Jan Vitek @ 04:04
The Journal of Object Technology is the only open access academic publication dedicated to object-orientation in all its forms. Objects have been with me for my entire scientific career, it is thus an honor to take over from outgoing editor in chief Oscar Nierstrasz.  My goal  as the next editor of JOT is first and foremost to continue on the path blazed by Oscar, strengthening the scientific quality and increasing the readership of JOT.  One challenge that a journal like JOT faces is to find its proper place in the changing landscape of scientific publishing. Why should authors submit to JOT rather than to a conference or to another journal? Unlike most conferences, journals allow a dialogue between authors and reviewers, one that leads to improved papers rather than simple binary decisions. As to why JOT, I believe that our editorial board is unique in its composition and ensures that papers on topics related to object technology will receive some the best and most helpful expert reviews from world-renowned experts who share a passion for objects.

Jan Vitek


  1. This is a great news!
    I will probably speak for most of the South-American readers here. ISI publications rule our scientific life in South-American Universities.
    Usually, top-conference papers have no or very little value for our funding agencies.
    Even worse, monetary incentives are often based on ISI publications.

    Many many journals are ISI, but JOT is not.

    Let make the new JOT change my life.

    Comment by Alexandre Bergel — 2013/06/20 @ 15:26

  2. Dear Alex, ISI is a black box. We don’t very well know how to crack that nut. I have been told that we must have at least 6 issues per year to be eligible… but what more I don’t know.

    An interesting thing: Many SIGPLAN conferences are published as SIGPLAN Notices and SIGPLAN NOTICES is considered a journal by ISI … and one of the most impactful ones in our field. So: make sure to list your OOPLSA papers are SIGPLAN Notices papers and put them in the journal column.

    Long live the bean counters!

    Comment by Jan Vitek — 2013/06/21 @ 03:03

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