
A short JOT status report

Filed under: Editorial — Oscar Nierstrasz @ 11:36

JOT is continuing with its policy of publishing issues as soon as new material is available. With this issue we have two regular papers: “DeepFJig — Modular composition of nested classes”, and “A Catalogue of Refactorings for Model-to-Model Transformations”, and we have two special sections, one with selected and expanded papers of ICMT 2011 (international Conference on Model Transformation, Guest editors: Jordi Cabot and Eelco Visser), and a second with selected and expanded papers from RefTest 2010 (Refactoring and Testing Workshop, Guest editors: Steve Counsell and Stephen Swift).

There is a healthy pipeline of submitted papers. 35 regular papers have been submitted so far this year (compared with a total of 60 last year, not counting special sections). 6 regular papers are currently in review, and another 3 are undergoing revision.

Several more special issues are currently in the works, in particular, one on IWMCP 2011 (Guest editors: Dimitris Kolovos and Davide Di Ruscio), and another on TOOLS Europe 2012 (Guest editors: Sebastian Nanz and Carlo Furia). Antonio Vallecillo, the Special Section editor is currently negotiating further sepcial sections, and would be glad to hear from you concerning further proposals.

Oscar Nierstrasz
August 2012

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